White papers

Discover actionable strategies to maximize ICT VAR revenue. Your trusted resource for growth in the technology sector.

CPQ Booster for ICT VARS: A Native Salesforce Solution

The ICT VAR market segment (AKA High-tech Resellers) has several unique characteristics that are not addressed effectively by generic quoting solutions such as Salesforce CPQ Revenue Cloud.


StrataVAR's CPQ Booster provides a number of enhancements, that come into play when the two tools are combined together, resulting in an optimal quoting solution for VARs of ICT.


We've outlined the main elements of the integration between StrataVAR's PqW (that functions as a booster to Salesforce's CPQ), and Salesforce CPQ works. The outline defines the problems ICT VARs face while using generic quoting tools and how the CPQ Booster solves those problems for VARs of ICT.

The Ultimate Guide to Cisco Reseller Partner Quoting

Cisco partners have unique requirements to optimize their sales operations. Challenges are faced on both the “buy side” and “sell side” of the customer solution resale practice. In this paper we examine the process and draw attention to StrataVAR Partner.


The “buy side” of acquiring Cisco hardware and software is controlled by Cisco Commerce Workspace (CCW), a powerful and complex Configure/Quote/Price (CPQ) tool developed by Cisco.


Technical validation is performed at the “box” level, and the final configuration, or BoM, is created as an estimate or deal registration that is viewed through the secure online CCW portal hosted by Cisco.

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Transform Your Quote-to-Revenue Process on Salesforce

Extend the capabilities of your Salesforce CPQ with the iCPQ ‘pre-processor’, which provides you with the VAR’s unique integration, scalability, and configurability needs.

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