Mastering the Art of Quoting in Managed Services: A Strategic Guide for VARs 

VARS strategically quote managed services with StrataVAR. 
For several compelling reasons, managed services are becoming increasingly significant for the ICT sector, particularly for VARs.

One of the primary advantages is the recurring revenue model, which provides VARs with a stable and predictable income stream. Unlike the traditional model of one-time sales or project-based work, managed services involve continuous fees for ongoing service provision, thus stabilizing cash flow and enabling better financial forecasting.

Additionally, market demand for managed services is on the rise as businesses increasingly seek to outsource their IT management to cope with the growing complexity and critical nature of technology in their operations. This trend allows companies to concentrate on their core business functions while entrusting their IT needs to expert service providers. Transitioning from a VAR to a MSP will benefit VARs by providing them the opportunity to scale their services to accommodate various client sizes, from small businesses to large corporations, potentially leading to growth and broader market penetration.

The model of managed services also contributes to enhanced client retention. By consistently managing a client’s IT infrastructure and systems, VARs position themselves as essential partners, thus fostering long-term business relationships. For clients, the appeal of managed services often lies in the cost-effectiveness compared to maintaining an in-house IT department, alongside the specialized expertise VARs offer in areas like cybersecurity, cloud services, and network management. This specialization not only strengthens the VARs’ market position but also enhances their brand reputation.

Risk management is another crucial aspect of managed services, with proactive monitoring and maintenance helping to mitigate IT-related risks and minimize downtime, adding significant value for clients.

Four Effective Strategies for Quoting Managed Services

As VARs broaden their customer base, they encounter the challenge of devising quotes that are both competitive and reflective of the value provided, balancing profitability with client perception and long-term business viability. This intricate balancing act is critical for VARs aiming to sustainably grow their managed services offerings and maintain strong client relationships. How can VARs master the art of quoting managed services? StrataVAR provides four successful pointers on how to create managed service quotes. 

  1. Understand Your Costs Before Quoting Managed Services

For ICT VARs, conducting a detailed cost analysis is an essential step for accurate MSP quotes. This process involves identifying all direct and indirect costs associated with delivering managed services and effectively allocating these costs to specific services. Based on the total service cost, VARs can add a desired profit margin to determine the final price. The profit margin should reflect the value provided to the client and the market standards and competition.  Keep in mind that costs are not static; they can change due to various factors like market conditions, supplier prices, and business scale. Therefore, VARs should regularly review and update their cost analysis to ensure their quotes for managed services remain accurate and competitive.

  1. Align Price with Value When Creating an MSP Quote

While understanding your costs is crucial in the MSP quoting process, focusing solely on cost can mean missing out on the opportunity to fully capitalize on the value your services provide to clients. Quoting managed services for ICT VARs differs from quoting hardware or software due to the nature and scope of the services provided. Managed services typically involve ongoing support, maintenance, and proactive monitoring, which requires a different pricing model than the one-time or license-based costs associated with hardware and software.

Value-Based Pricing in Quoting Managed Services for VARs

This is where value-based pricing becomes a game-changer for VARs. Transitioning to a value-based pricing strategy allows you to set prices not just on the cost of services, but also on the perceived value these services offer to the client. Including this in your MSP quoting system, can significantly enhance profitability and ensure that you are not leaving money on the table. Let us explore how VARs can effectively implement value-based pricing to align their quotes with the true worth of their services and maximize their revenue potential.

A value-based pricing strategy demands a deep dive into the client’s business, identifying their pain points, and demonstrating how your services provide tailored solutions. Value-based pricing goes beyond cost-plus models; it’s about illustrating the unique benefits and outcomes your services enable, thus justifying the investment from the client’s perspective.

Take the example of a VAR offering cybersecurity solutions. If a client has recently experienced a data breach, the value of enhanced security measures is extremely high. In this case, the VAR’s quote should not just cover the cost of implementing the security solutions but also reflect the value of protecting the client’s data and business reputation. Demonstrating how the service prevents future breaches and potential financial losses can justify a higher price point, aligning the quote with the client’s perceived value.

  1.  Tailor Your Solutions

Successful quoting for managed services hinges on the ability to customize and adapt to the unique demands of each client. While it’s impractical to create entirely bespoke solutions for every client, VARs should cultivate a flexible quoting framework specifically for managed services. This adaptability allows for modifications based on variables such as client size, industry, operational complexity, and specific needs, thereby ensuring that the MSP quote is as relevant and effective as possible.

Imagine a VAR that specializes in managed IT services for healthcare providers. The needs can vary significantly from one provider to another, depending on their size, patient volume, and the complexity of their services. A flexible quoting model allows the VAR to adjust the quote based on these factors, providing a tailored managed service solution that meets each client’s specific requirements.

  1. Build Long-term Relationships with Your Clients

Quoting should not be viewed merely as a transactional necessity but as a foundational element in cultivating long-term client relationships. Effective quotes initiate a dialogue about the client’s evolving needs and how your services can adapt over time. This approach positions VARs as strategic partners, committed to the client’s growth and success rather than just vendors.

Consider a VAR that starts with offering basic network setup services but, through ongoing dialogue and understanding of the client’s business, gradually introduces more complex and strategic IT solutions. The initial quote opens the door to a long-term partnership, where the VAR continuously aligns its services with the client’s growth trajectory. This relationship-building approach underscores the importance of viewing quotes not just as one-off transactions but as stepping stones to enduring business relationships.

Wrapping Up: A Strategic MSP Quoting Tool for ICT VARs with StrataVAR

In the dynamic realm of managed services, quoting is both an art and a science. It requires a delicate balance between understanding costs, aligning with client value, offering customization, maintaining transparency, and fostering long-term partnerships. By embracing these principles, VARs can create quotes that secure immediate business and pave the way for sustained mutual success. StrataVAR’s MSP quoting solution for VARs enables managed service providers to avoid manual work and get accurate quotes faster. To learn more about an MSP quoting software, contact StrataVAR

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